We all come across many exits in life and it creates confusion. The poet is trying to tell this emotion in his piece of poetry.
Is every exit a hope? Sometimes Not Yes, exits are hope But often they are more Sometimes a rage Sometimes hope mixed with despair Sometimes courage Often, not clear where they lead to Often a confusion Many times, a lost hope Is an exit actually an entry? A portal to a new world? Or merely a cascade of promises? Or in the end a much-sought teleport? I wonder If every exit is a hope A labyrinth taking you from confusion to clarity Or a bright opening at the end of a dark alley A runaway from the grind of life Or may be a last resort I agree Exits are not always hope But sometimes exits are must Exits are just And moreover, they are always hope for a hope ......................Naveen Kumar Agarwal For more poems keep on looking under - https://www.alwartigers.com/category/poetry/
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