Ancient Chinese silk ribbon dance is a traditional art form. According to the rhythm of Chinese music, dancers move sticks tied to silk ribbons of differing lengths. World-famous because of the magic and charm it holds to surprise audiences around the world. All who watch a performance are fascinated by the patterns and designs formed by the ribbons and choreography. It’s all so systematic and synchronized. A therapeutic significance is associated with it. It relaxes and soothes the performer as well as the observer. The beginning of the Chinese ribbon dance is related to an old story, a man who saved the Han Dynasty emperor from an assassination attempt by blocking the sword with the silk from his sleeve. I came to know about it in Singapore.

I faced a major drawback in life during the panademic times, I lost my 6-month-old pregnancy to preeclampsia and all my loved ones were badly affected by COVID back in India. I was full of fear, anxiety, depression, and loss. I left stepping out of my house totally. It hit me badly. I lost track of my health and well-being. Life became a burden on me. I was supported by my daughter and my husband. My house help was always with me. There is a very good park near my house in Singapore, Jurong Lake Gardens. I was barely able to walk some distance till there. It was a very happening place, especially during the lockdown that was the only place to enjoy nature. This park is famous for its scenic beauty, the lake, and the walkways. It has a play area for kids. Passion wave community, gym, swimming pool, and much more sand dune-shaped small hilly structures. This is very popular among the people as an adventure spot.
That used to be our daily routine to go for a casual walk in the garden. After many sad episodes I stopped even going to the garden, but with much force from my daughter who almost got bored inside the house that became a day savior to enjoy the outside play area, I started to go for walks again. I will gather my body and walk up to the play area and sit for some time and come back. It is as if my body was moving but I was in my own depressed world. Suddenly, one day while we were on our way back to home from the garden we heard a piece of soothing music coming from somewhere. We followed the rhythm and reached to a spot where many people were playing with a long ribbon-shaped cloth tied to a stick and everything was in harmony with the Chinese music. I was mesmerized. I am a creative person by heart. We stopped and saw the beautiful performance. I was so carried away that I asked the leader to give me a chance to play with the ribbon. The generous man gave me the stick. And after that, my mind came in sync with my body and I started to play with the ribbon like a professional. There was a smile after days on my face. That music touched my soul. My daughter too tried her hands at it. I felt light and happy at that moment. I totally forgot everything and was just in that moment enjoying and playing with the ribbon. It tickled my creativity of mine. After that day I felt that I should connect back to my creative side of painting, music, and craft again. I continued on the same path and recovered slowly from my trauma. Till today I remember that moment in the garden. Whenever I remember it I feel happy and joyful.

The ribbon dance is called Cai Dai Wu Dao in Chinese. The first steps were simply holding thin strips of silk ribbon in the hands of dancers. Ribbons weren’t attached to sticks until the Tang dynasty when strips grew in length and became longer. If you get a chance please try out hands on it whenever you get a chance. To read more about my creative experiences in my life keep following us. For more details about this art form please visit